International Childhood Cancer Data Partnership



France - Société Française Cancer Enfant (SFCE)

Véronique Minard-Colin is professor of Pediatrics at Paris Saclay University.​

Specialist in pediatric lymphomas and sarcomas, and in the immunology of childhood cancers, she is head of the Immunotherapy program at Gustave Roussy’s Department of Child and Adolescent Oncology, which uses innovative approaches to better understand the mechanisms of immune evasion in childhood cancers to develop effective immunotherapies.​

She was elected vice-president of the ‘Société Française des Cancers de l’Enfant’ (SFCE) in 2019 and is a member of several European boards and groups, including the European childhood non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma (EICNHL) and the European Paediatric Sarcoma Soft Tissues Study Group (EpSSG). She is also a member of the scientific advisory committee of the International Society of Pediatric Oncology (SIOP) and, since 2020, a member of the SIOP Europe educational council.​

November 7 – 10.45 – 11.25am

Session:Keynote – Setting the Stage about the Importance of Pediatric Oncology Data Sharing​​

Role: Discussant

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