International Childhood Cancer Data Partnership



USA - Emory University School of Medicine

Pr. Tamara Miller is an Associate Professor in the Department of Pediatrics, Division of Hematology/Oncology at Emory University and pediatric oncologist at Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta.

Her research is focused on improving knowledge of adverse events and outcomes experienced by children during treatment for cancer and performing clinical epidemiology research in supportive care that will improve daily clinical care. Her research aims to develop a novel approach that leverages electronic health record (EHR) data to describe cancer treatments, toxicities, and outcomes.

Using ExtractEHR, the R package that we have developed, they can provide detailed data for cohorts such as registries that can be used to answer clinical research questions. The results of her research will provide clinicians and researchers with a more accurate and detailed understanding of patient experience during chemotherapy that can be used to guide clinical decisions and provide the foundation for future trials.

November 8 – 10 – 11.15am

Session: Workshop #4 Innovative Models &  Data Management – Session 3 

Role: Discussant

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