International Childhood Cancer Data Partnership

Philippe-Jean BOUSQUET

France - French National Cancer Institute

Philippe Jean Bousquet is a medical Doctor (MD) specialized in Public Health with a special interest in this disciple, that led him to defend a university thesis in epidemiology and biostatistics, and to obtain the authorization to supervise research (Univ. Montpellier I). After spending a year as a researcher at Imperial College in London, he worked as a methodologist at the Montpellier-Nîmes university hospital centers. During this period, he also became a member of the Persons’ Protection Committee (CPP), an expertise that he consequently completed by becoming a member of the Committee for the Evaluation of Research, Studies and Health Assessments (Cerees) for three years. 

After he joined the French National Cancer Institute in 2010, he was able to develop the topics relating to the observation of cancers, health information systems and evaluation. This approach conducted him to perfect his knowledge in data science (at Polytechnic Executive School), in order to initiate the Oncology Data Platform and to reinforce partnerships with the main contributors in this field, including the cancer registries. He is one at the initiative of the “Filière intelligence artificielle et cancer”. He also took the responsibility regarding the issue of insurability for people with cancer, by being now a member of the Monitoring and Proposal Committee of the Aeras convention (that permit to people with an aggravated health risk to be able to get insurance and to get loans from banks). 

Nov. 7 – 4pm – 5.15pm

Session: Workshop #3 Data Governance &  Data Exchange – Session 2  

Role: Discussant

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