International Childhood Cancer Data Partnership


France - INSERM - Share4Kids

Dr Marie Castets is the leader of the team« Cell death and Childhood Cancers » at CRCL. Her aims are to elucidate childhood cancer resistance to cell death by focusing on their developmental origin context, heterogeneity, and dynamics, to move towards more efficient and less toxic innovative therapeutic strategies, with a focus on brain tumors and sarcomas. 

She also leads the national pediatric cancer research network @react4Kids, which brings together 400 French and european scientists with two objectives: to boost collaborations between teams and share resources and expertises. She is the PI of the Share-4Kids project, whose goal is to create a shared open-access multi-omic data warehouse for pediatric cancers. Her work has been recognized by the Fondation de France (2012) and the French Academy of Medicine (2012) & Sciences (2013).

November 7 – 4pm – 5-15pm

Session: Workshop #2 Interoperability – Session 2

Role: Discussant

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