International Childhood Cancer Data Partnership



USA - National Cancer Institute

Dr. Lynne Penberthy is the Associate Director for the Surveillance Research Program (SRP), which is within the Division of Cancer Control and Population Sciences (DCCPS) at the National Cancer Institute (NCI) since 2013. Dr. Penberthy obtained her MD from the University of Michigan and her MPH in epidemiology at Johns Hopkins.

Dr. Penberthy’s career includes a surgical internship in Baltimore, Maryland, at the Sinai Hospital and a preventive medicine residency at Johns Hopkins University. After her residency, she completed her post-doctoral training in epidemiology with the CDC as an epidemic intelligence service (EIS) officer with the Commonwealth of Virginia. She is licensed to practice medicine in the state of Maryland. Dr. Penberthy has a long history of focus on informatics and automation and has been involved in biobanking both in her academic role as well as at NCI.  

In addition to her role as SEER program director, she is the lead for the National Childhood Cancer Registry (NCCR) development and implementation under the Childhood Cancer Data Initiative (CCDI). The latter is a population based system based on cancer registries but brings in a multitude of other data sources to support research on childhood cancer.  

November 7 – 12.40 – 12.55pm

Session: Keynote – Introducing the international Childhood Cancer Data Partnership

Role: Discussant

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