International Childhood Cancer Data Partnership

Arnaud PETIT

France - Armand Trousseau Hospital

Professor Arnaud Petit, pediatric oncologist, head of the Pediatric Hematology and Oncology Department at Armand Trousseau Hospital (AP-HP).

He is part of the Hematopoietic and Leukemic Development research team (UMRS_938). He is chairman of the Leukemia Committee of SFCE (French Society against childhood cancers and leukemia) and co-chair of AML committee of the I-BFM Study group.

He is in charge of CONECT-AML (Consortium of French research teams involved in pediatric AML) and DOREMy project (French pediatric AML database).


November 8 – 10 – 11.15am

Session: Workshop #1 Harmonization of clinical and biological Data – Session 3

Role: Discussant

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