International Childhood Cancer Data Partnership


Nederland - Integraal Kankercentrum Nederland

Dr Geleijnse is leading the Data Science team at IKNL and oversees IKNL’s innovation program. He holds a MSc in Computer Science and PhD in Artificial Intelligence, with over 12 years’ experience at Philips Research as industrial scientist and project manager in clinical informatics. He is interested in means how novel technology and data can be used to improve decision making and improve our understanding of health and care.

At IKNL, he works on innovations centered around the Netherlands Cancer Registry. He addresses ways to make the flow from patient record data to insights faster and more effective. In several projects, he explores how Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Privacy-Enhancing Technologies (PETs) can be used to support cancer registration and help to mitigate the current challenges in data sharing. He is involved in several Horizon projects shaping the European Health Data Space and pioneering the establishment of modern, federated registries. 

He leads the Blueberry project, with the goal to establish a sustainable, scalable European clinical registry for rare solid cancers in adults (EURACAN ERN). He works with the European Medicine Agency on data harmonization, quality and federated analyses.

Besides the work on the set-up of a modern registry, Dr. Geleijnse is committed to extracting value from cancer registry data for a diverse audience. Innovations such as the Dutch Cancer Atlas, the synthetic Netherlands Cancer Registry  and personalized statistics for patients contribute to the registry’s societal impact.

  • November 7 – 2.30pm – 5.15pm
  • November 8 – 10am – 12.30pm
  • November 8 (Wrap-up in panel session) –  2 – 3.30pm

Session: Workshop #4 Innovative Models &  Data Management – Session 2

Role: Facilitator

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